Tuesday 27 July 2010

Growing Your Company Greener while Saving Some Green

Sometimes going green means a lighter pocket book — like when you go to the grocery store and have to choose between the $5.00 pint of organic strawberries or the $2.00 pint of conventional strawberries.  It doesn’t have to be that way for your business.  Choosing to make your office experience more environmentally sustainable can make for a more fun, efficient and cost effective company.  Below are some examples of how you can grow a greener company from recycling to reception.

Recycle, re-use and return.  Make recycling containers easily available for everything your city allows (e.g., paper, soda cans, plastic bottles, etc.).  You can save money and trees by printing everything double sided and/or by re-using printer paper that has only been printed on one side.  Use ink cartridges that can be refilled or returned to the manufacturer in the original box when empty instead of thrown away.

Reward leg strength and public transportation.  Start the week fresh with “no car Monday” to get employees in the habit of not driving to work every day.  One less car on the road means reduced carbon emissions in our environment.  Employees who bicycle to work tend to have more energy and will stay healthier.  Instigate a reward policy for employees who ride a bicycle to work.  One company I know lets bicyclists leave work half an hour early each day to allow for a longer commute home.  

Fight the power.  If possible, switch lights to energy efficient bulbs and make sure they are always turned off when not in use.  Power all computers down at the end of the day and turn all electronic equipment off.

Choose local products.  Shopping for business equipment locally reduces sprawl, pollution from shipping and helps money stay in your community.  Instead of buying new furniture or other office equipment, you could buy used at a local retailer.  Kill three birds with one stone: save money, help sustain the environment and keep your community vibrant.

Support other green companies.  In Portland, Oregon there is a non-profit organization called SCRAP that accepts and resells donations from individuals and companies.  Money raised is used to support art and craft projects in the community.  They have a program called Fill Minds Not Landfills that works with companies of all sizes to help keep things like letterhead paper, old calendars, paper clips, and Cd's out of landfills.

Use a remote answering service.  Using virtual answering services saves on the cost of hiring an employee and helps with going paper free.  Calls are still answered by a live person and can be forwarded to you anywhere you are, or messages can be sent via email.  Some of these telephone services are also green companies themselves.

Party down with Friday no waste potlucks.  Set your virtual answering service iPhone app to take messages for an hour and enjoy a team building potluck lunch.  You worked hard all week.  Now you can celebrate.  Have everyone provide food and beverages in washable containers and use real silverware and plates (nothing disposable).  If you’re able, compost the food scraps.  Finish off the party by going out for coffees - just remember to bring re-usable thermoses!