An example from nature proves it: Skiers and mountain climbers do not freeze even if they are in extremely cold air. The reason - they are surrounded by warm infrared waves, which come directly from the sun or are reflected by the environment (snow, stones, earth etc.).
Bringing space age into our homes and business is the concept of Infrared heating, 100% safe, amazingley energy efficient, and contemporary design.

When infrared rays touch a surface, energy is released in the form of heat, irrespective of the surrounding air temperature. This explains why people on a winter sports holiday are able to enjoy a pleasant sunbath at low outside temperatures without feeling the cold.
Unlike conventional heating elements, infrared heating units heat the masonry, ceilings and furnishings, not the air. Walls can store warmth much longer than air and return the warmth to the room. Masonry stays dry and mould and mildew have no chance to spread.A further advantage is that the air is not circulated and thus, dust is not whirled about.
In comparison with an oil or central heating unit, purchasing and operational costs are halved, and there is no cost of maintenance, no need for a separate furnace room, storage space for heating
materials, no chimney necessary, lifelong maintenance-free operation, various installation possibilities and an array of appealing design.
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